These Are Our

Services & Features

Service & Feature #1

3d Virtual Trainer

Within B3 Vivrtual Fitness, you have access to over 5,000 exercises that can be done anywhere, using our 3D Animated Virtual Trainer. One on the greatest mistakes made in gyms across the world is… many are doing exercises with the wrong position and posture. Therefore, they are being ineffective at working the muscle group intended. But with our 3D Virtual Trainer, you will be shown the correct position and posture to properly and safely workout. With our system, you’re also able to customize your own workouts using our robust Training Library.

(Or if we are personally coaching you, we will customize your workouts  for you.)

With our system you never have to do the same routines over and over again. All you have to do is type in the muscle group you’re working that day, and you’ll get a number of different exercises for that muscle group. You can also determine whether the exercises are used with Weights, Resistance Bands, Kettle bells, Cables, or just Body Weight. 

Your workout is ENDLESS here at B3 Virtual Fitness.

To Schedule Your FREE  Consultation……CLICK HERE!! Or continue reading about our AMAZING Services and Features.

Service & Feature #2

Fitness On Demand

Are you a fitness class kind of person: But you’re not comfortable being in a gym full of people right now? We’ve got the solution for you. Introducing B3 Virtual Fitness Videos ON DEMAND!!

With our Video on Demand, you have access to 100’s of classes you can take, at any time, right from home. You have access to Cardio classes, HIIT, Cycling, Target Zones, Strength, Martial Arts, Dance, Core, Meditation and Yoga.  This collection of classes includes some well known classes and Trainers like Jillian Michaels, Billy Blanks & his Tae Bo series, and STRONG by Zumba, just to name a few. With this collection, you never have to GET BORED or PLATEAU as a result of doing the same thing over and over again.


To Schedule your FREE Consultation……CLICK HERE!! Or continue reading about our AMAZING Services and Features.

Service & Feature #3

Food Diary & Tracker

The most important part of healthy living is taking control of your eating. It does not matter how much you work out, if you don’t take control of what you eat and when you eat it, nothing else really matters.  You know the old saying, which is a TRUE saying……. Abs are not made in the Gym, they are made in the Kitchen!!

With our Food Diary and Tracker, you’re able to:  **Keep Track of everything you eat. **Monitor your Carbs, Proteins, and Fats to make sure you are consuming the proper amount of each. **Create a personalized nutrition plan just by answering a few questions. **Track your Progress . **Create your own meals.  **With our Food Diary, you have the ability to Scan Barcodes and the item is automatically entered into your diary using our food databases that are updated regularly.

Listen, after losing 100 pounds in 9 months and 4 days, TRUST ME, you have to do more than workout. You have to be INTENTIONAL in your eating habits.  And if you commit to using this Food Tracker and Diary as a tool, it does not matter what your goal is.  It doesn’t matter if your goal is to lose weight, gain weight, build muscle, or maintain you current weight. Our Food Diary and tracker is definitely a vital tool to use to reach your goal.  Remember… YOU CAN’T FIX WHAT YOU WON’T FACE.  The more you track your food, the more you become conscious of what you eat: which causes you to make BETTER and HEALTHIER CHOICES!!    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!  #ChangeYourHabitsChangeYourHealth

To Schedule your FREE Consultation……CLICK HERE!! Or continue reading about our AMAZING Services and Features.

Service & Feature #4

Meditation & Relaxation

For those who love to Relax and Meditate, we have something for you. After all, working out is important. But Rest, Relaxation, Refocusing, and being Refreshed is just as important. With our Meditation section, it provides you with those quiet soothing sounds to relax and calm your mind.

The Meditation Sessions come with Sounds such as:  *Waterfalls  *Water Drops    *Costal Waters           *White Noise   *Camp Fire      *Rain and Thunder     *Tropical Rainstorm………….. & much much more. 


You’re 1 Click away from the launch of your TRANSFORMATION Journey!! 

To Schedule Your FREE Consultation……CLICK HERE!!