B3 Virtual Fitness

Transforming Beliefs, Behaviors, and Brands

You can conquer the Giant of weight RIGHT FROM HOME!!
All you need is a MADE UP MIND.   #ChangeYourHabitsChangeYourHealth

+1 330 704 1263

- amazing support - amazing workouts - amazing community

B3 Virtual Fitness IS HERE TO HELP YOU


Access  to 100’s of virtual trainings  &  100’s of Virtual Fitness Videos ON DEMAND. Food Tacker and MUCH MUCH MORE

Proteins, Pre-workouts, Fat-Burners & More

Introducing the owner & founder of B3 Virtual Fitness

A Few Words About Coachb3

Let me share a little of my story with you.  I use to have 2-10 seizures every month for 40 years of my life. For most of those years I was obese. In 2017, I underwent a 6 hour Brain Surgery, where they cut out some of my brain.  At the time of my surgery I was 310 pounds. While recovering, I gained 10 pounds. I tell everybody, my head underwent surgery, but my mouth was still working!  But one day, after going over a month without a seizure, God said to me that this year could be my TOTAL YEAR of Transformation. He told me that He’d healed me of my seizures, so it was now time for me to TAKE BACK MY HEALTH!!  So right then, I decided to show God how appreciative I was to have made it through such a serious surgery. I decided to take CONTROL of my life and conquer the giant of being overweight .  I started my journey on March 15, 2017. And in 9 months and 4 days, I lost 100 pounds. I did all of this from home, working out to fitness videos in my living room. I did all of this by making up my mind to commit to a journey of healthy eating and consistent exercise. And to this day, I’ve maintained that weight loss. I’ve went on and got a Fitness Trainer certification and I’m currently finishing up a nutrition certification!! All of this is to better equip myself to use my story to help everyday people CONQUER this Weight Giant and take control of their life.  

And by the way…. I’M STILL SEIZURE FREE!!


This Is Why

You Should Choose B3VF

Everything is Virtual

One of the big hinderances of working out is.. GETTING TO THE GYM. It has definitely been difficult, considering the Pandemic we’ve faced in 2020. But with our Virtual Trainer and community, everything is at your fingertips. Because of our technology, you can workout from ANYWHERE: the Gym, Outside, or right in the comfort and privacy of your Home.


Quality Services

First of all, our Virtual platform has 100s of Virtual Training workouts to target every muscle group and to meet any health goal you may desire. We also carry over 600 Fitness on Demand classes. Secondly, even though we have hundreds of workouts and plans ready to use NOW, B3VF is not a one size fit all kind of system. I can design a unique plan that is custom-tailored to fit your exact goals and needs.. Lastly, WE ARE TOUCHABLE. You will never be part of our community and BE ALONE! We’re always here to help you and push you into your destiny!!

Our premium supplements

  • B-12 Drops 2oz
    General Health

    B-12 Drops 2oz

    Rated 0 out of 5
    $19.99 or Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $17.99. / month Select options
  • Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies
    General Health

    B3 ACV Gummies

    Rated 0 out of 5
    $27.99 or Original price was: $27.99.Current price is: $25.19. / month Select options
  • B3 BCAA (Fruit Punch)
    Sports Nutrition

    B3 BCAA (Fruit Punch)

    Rated 0 out of 5
    $39.99 or Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $35.99. / month Select options
  • Creatine Powder
    Sports Nutrition

    B3 Build

    Rated 0 out of 5
    $19.99 or Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $17.99. / month Select options
  • B3 Burn
    Weight Loss & Detox

    B3 Burn

    Rated 0 out of 5
    $39.99 or Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $35.99. / month Select options
  • CLA Softgel (conjugated linoleic acid)
    Weight Loss & Detox

    B3 CLA Softgel

    Rated 0 out of 5
    $24.99 or Original price was: $24.99.Current price is: $22.49. / month Select options
  • Ultra Multivitamin for Men
    Men’s Health

    B3 Daily for Men

    Rated 0 out of 5
    $19.99 or Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $17.99. / month Select options
  • Ultra Vita for Women

    B3 Daily for Women

    Rated 0 out of 5
    $19.99 or Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $17.99. / month Select options
  • Diet Drops Ultra Drops 2oz
    Weight Loss & Detox

    B3 Diet Drops

    Rated 0 out of 5
    $26.99 or Original price was: $26.99.Current price is: $24.29. / month Select options
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